Thursday, October 21, 2004

Double Lipid Layer

Do you think some people are actually, truly, completely immune to cold?

I walked past a girl today, wearing boots and a super-short skirt. Now, she looked good, there was no doubt about that. But the first thought in my mind was not, "Dang, she looks fine." No, it was actually, "Holy suck, she must be insane!" Why? Because it was freaking cold outside! I was wearing three shirts and a jacket, and still chilly! And here she is waltzing about in a mini-skirt!

This led me to ask myself a couple of questions. First, are some people actually immune to cold? I'm not just asking whether they can handle a bit more cold than others. I mean, are there some people who could walk around naked in Minnesota in the winter and not feel even a little bit cold? Because that would be a wicked sweet. But I ask this because that could be the only excuse for dressing like that girl in weather like we had that day. The second question hinges on the answer to the first: If these people aren't actually fully immune to cold, then what the crap are they thinking?! Is it really so important to some girls to turn heads that they're willing to suffer ridiculous cold for it? Because that's absurd. It's just crazy. Who cares that much? Certainly not me. And it's certainly not having the desired effect on me. Because I'm not thinking she's looking good; I'm thinking she's looking dumb. It's not worth the cold.

Put some clothes on, it's cold outside.

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