Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Procrastina-a-a-tion... makes it ha-a-a-ppen.

I'm not big on denial. I don't believe in it. It is what it is, denying it don't make it not so.

So I ain't denying that I'm the worst procrastinator in the world. (If you think you're worse than me, you're wrong. (If you still doubt, there are those that I could refer you to.))

Now, I don't see it as a problem. Procrastination makes it happen! Haha. But some see it as a problem, at least when it becomes extreme. Some would even call it a character flaw. (How dare they! I fart in their general direction!)

Well, I guess I have decided that I should at least be making an effort, no matter how small, to not procrastinate. Even if it's just a little thing that I decide not to procrastinate, I should make that effort for something. You know, baby steps.

Well, I have decided what that something will be: Procrastination.

I'm not going to procrastinate procrastinating. Procrastination is something that should be done NOW, not put off until later. So I've decided that procrastination is that one thing that I am intentionally, deliberately, and very specifically NOT going to procrastinate. I'm not going to put it off; I'm going to procrastinate NOW!!!.

Inspired by Ellen DeGayneres.

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