Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I'm Baaaa-aaaaack!!!

That's right, I'm back, and not a thing has changed.

It's currently Monday night/Tuesday morning, 1:00 a.m. I have two assignments due in the next two days:

1. I have a 4-6 page paper due tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. in my upper level music history class. Yes, that's 9 hours from now.
2. The very next day, Wednesday, at 11:30 a.m., I have a 5-10 page paper due in my history of precolonial Africa class.

I have not started the music paper. In fact, I haven't even read the documents it's supposed to be based on. But at least I've read the assignment.

I have also not started the African history paper. Nor have I done the reading. Nor do I even know what the assignment is yet.

In addition to all this, I just figured out by implication that I must have a midterm coming up this Thursday in my music history class. By "by implication" I mean that I received an email from the TA announcing a study group the night before, on Wednesday evening. But I'll be at youth group, so I won't be going to the study session. Nor will I likely study much for the midterm. Oh well.

Back, and in full force!

But not to fear, for if there is one thing that should reassure you, it is this: quite unlike the year-ago fall quarter, I feel like my old self again. For those who knew that old self, well... I'm sure they're not worried.

Homework, papers, tests, and school in general is annoying though. Here comes the first one in almost a year: SCHOOL SUCKS!!!

Wish me luck... or maybe just alertness... because it's gonna be a long night!

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