Thursday, January 06, 2005

Dum Dum Da-Dummmm

I got a phone call the other night. Monday night, I think, late. I got a call that I've been waiting for for a good while.

It was Hale; and for those of you who don't know, he's been my closest friend for eight years. We grew up together since middle school out in Africa. Since then, he lived in his home state of Georgia for two years, before he moved to Texas at the beginning of this year to be with his girlfriend.

He called to tell me that he is now engaged.

He and Amber have been dating since a month or two before we graduated from high school in late June of 2002. That was the end of her junior year, and she stayed in Africa until her graduation a year later, at which point she returned to her home state of Texas. For two whole years—count them, 1, 2—they did the long distance thing. And I don't mean the *cough* Eugene-Salem *cough* long distance thing (sorry kids—couldn't help myself!); I'm talking Georgia-Texas long distance.

At the beginning of this school year, after two very long and very trying years, Hale moved out to Texas. This past Sunday morning, Hale called Amber's dad for his blessing, because he's a good man like that, and because that's how we were raised (men: pay attention!). The blessing gladly given, Hale proposed.

Now, ladies, I must apologize: I don't have the details. I don't know how it went down, I don't know how he asked. I just know that Monday was a good day, and a long time coming. And now, there will be a wedding this summer.

Hale, do you remember the end of our senior year, when I told you that y'all would be one of the few that would last? And you remember all those times between then and now, when I told you that these couple years of hard times would be endurable, and would pale compared to a lifetime together? I always knew you guys would make it through.

Hale is... 20 years old, I think? I'm 22, and probably 5 years away from marriage at the very least, if at all, short of a miracle. Hale, you're making me feel old!

Well anyways. Congratulations and best of luck, my brother, to you both. I'll be seeing y'all this summer.

P.S. Did I mention that Amber is taller than Hale? Mwuuuaaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa!!!

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