Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Someone Call The Plumber!

I was hungry last night, and there wasn't anything in the fridge. So I fell back on my trusty old friend, Mr. Mac 'N Cheese. My mom saw me making it, and said something to the effect of, "Josh, you really need to not develop taste buds for such unhealthy food, or you're going to be even fatter than [name censored] when you're forty."

She left the room before I added several handfuls of fresh grated cheddar cheese and some other ingredients that are part of my secret World's Best Mac recipe.

I sat down to eat, and be assured, it was divine. Nothing like the Mac.

I think I had about a quarter of the bowl left when I got an interesting feeling. I don't know if it was because I had been too lazy to get myself something to drink and things were getting a little dry, or what. But I felt as though I could feel the Mac clogging up my arteries as it went down.

I could feel myself getting fat, even as I sat there. It was beautiful. Gotta love the Mac.

...Still hungry?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you get your paycheck you can add some hotdogs to the Mac. mmmmmmm!

And Dan, good response. Loved it!